You can make a secure online donation or payment via bank draft, credit card, or debit card. If you prefer, you can text your payment.

To make a pledge payment:
  1. Click the QR-Code below or scan it with your smartphone
  2. Enter the amount of your pledge payment and your e-mail account.
    Click the Give button.
  3. Follow the prompts on the next screen to enter an optional memo and payment information. Click the Give 
  4. button to submit your payment.
To dedicate a pew (suggested donation of $500) to someone:
  1. Click the QR-Code below or scan it with your smartphone:
  2. Enter the amount of your pledge payment and your e-mail account.
    Click the Give button.
  3. Follow the prompts on the next screen to enter an optional memo and payment information. Click the Give button to submit your payment.
To to make a general donation:
  1. Click the QR-Code below or scan it with your smartphone:
  2. Enter the amount of your pledge payment and your e-mail account.
    Click the Give button.
  3. Follow the prompts on the next screen to enter an optional memo and payment information. Click the Give button to submit your payment.


To make a text payment, send a text to 73256 with a message in the following format:
MPCText + keyword + amount
You will receive a reply with a link to a page where you can complete your payment.

Examples of giving by text:

You can currently text payments for pledges, pews, rebuilding funds, and general donations. See the following examples:

  • to pay $500 for a pew dedication: text "MPCText pew 500" to 73256
  • to pay $25 towards a pledge: text "MPCText pledge 25" to 73256
  • to pay $15 towards the rebuilding fund: text "MPCText rebuild 15" to 73256
  • to pay $75 as a donation to the general fund: text "MPCText general 75" to 73256
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